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Clinical trial of IsopolloⓇ Dengue test kit was completed
작성일2019-04-15 작성자엠모니터 조회수4538 첨부파일없음

The Isopollo Dengue test kit has passed the clinical trial successfully with high sensitivity and specificity at the Guro Hospital of Korea University.

The Isopollo Dengue test kit, a diagnostic product for dengue fever, verifies the presence of dengue virus by qualitative analysis using reverse transcription and loop-mediated isothermal nucleic acid amplification. It has a high sensitivity in a shorter time than conventional molecular diagnostic methods.

Dengue fever is a disease that threatens nearly half of the world's population and has emerged as a major public health problem in more than 100 countries including Americas and Asia. Every year, more than half a million patients including children, are received medical treatment for severe dengue fever, and the prevalence of the disease is a huge burden on the public health system. The development of our kit is a major achievement for the identification and eradication of diseases. It is expected to be a major means of enabling WHO's goal to reduce dengue mortality by 50% and morbidity rate by 25% by 2020.