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질문 How long does it take to get the product? 보기

Delivery time for each product may vary depending on the order quantity, type of delivery, etc. For more information, you can contact our CS team, service@mmonitor.net

질문 How should I confirm if the test results show a different color in the manual? 보기

If the color of reagents has changed before the reaction, a new kit should be used. If the color of the positive or negative result is different from the manual, a retest should proceed.

질문 Is it possible to test specimens or nucleic acids stored at room temperature for a long time? 보기

You have to avoid storing samples for a long time at room temperature as low titer samples or nucleic acids can affect the results.

질문 Are M monitor diagnostic products quantitative test? 보기

M monitor diagnostic products are qualitative tests that check results by color change.

질문 What is the storage condition of products? 보기

It should be stored following the instructions on the package and user manual.

질문 How can I check if I would like to receive a quotation before ordering? 보기

Please quote 'Quote inquiry' in service@mmonitor.net for quotation of the product you want to order and we will respond promptly.

질문 How do I cancel or change my order? 보기

You can cancel and change your order after confirming progress to +82 53-254-2505 or service@mmonitor.net in quick time after your order.

질문 How can I make a payment? 보기

Payment can be made by card payment (immediate payment) and institutional payment (post-payment). If you are a new/dormant customer, you can only use credit card payment. If you want to pay by credit card, please contact +82 53-254-2505 or service@mmonitor.net. After confirming your company, we will process for institutional payment (post-payment)

질문 How should I take nucleic acid samples from the influenza diagnostic kit? 보기

In order to extract nucleic acid, cells are needed and our products are using a simple method that needs nasal discharge. You can rub the inside of the nose several times using a special swab made by M monitor, and take nasal discharge. This is a very easy way without pain and blood.

질문 What is molecular diagnostics? 보기

Molecular diagnostics is an in vitro diagnostic method used for testing objects collected from human body. It is a test method to diagnose disease early and accurately by analyzing genes (DNA, RNA) that can cause diseases such as bacteria and viruses of infectious agents and patients. Molecular diagnostics is the only diagnostic method that initial diagnosis is possible.

질문 Is there anything to consider before testing the kit? 보기

There are no special precautions for checking and are also irrelevant whether you had meals or not.

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